Tuesday 1 January 2013

Buddhist books, a general review, and my own favs

HERE is a link to a list of the 'best' Buddhist books for 2012. I could do my own top ten, perhaps - although most of the books I read over the past year were not actually written/published in the actual year...

HERE is a more general 2012 review, which includes authors who have died during the year as well as notable releases.

I could make a list of my top ten all-time books - which would include the one I am currently reading by Lama Surya Das and the biography of Acariya Mun. However, I doubt I would get beyond that, as there are a couple I have read and found helpful but forgotten the titles to! Look out for an upcoming report on the LSD book which I am currently about to begin the last 50 pages of - although I have read it a few times already. I have JUST finished another book, which I will report on shortly - and am a few pages from the end of another book...

As a child, my favs would include The Children of Green Knowe, The Hole in the Hill, and 7 Little Australians. As a teen, I prefered Children of the Stones, Ibsen's Peer Gynt, a few Shakespeare plays and various books on campanology. These days, I no longer read fiction - except for special occasions such as when a friend of mine has a fiction book published - I prefer Buddhist practice and theory, Indian philosophy, travel and vegan cookery...

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