This book is exactly what I was searching for – a ngondro practice from my former lineage that I can follow at home based on former-life memories until such time as I can attend a Buddhist Center or Temple in person!
Along with giving text, commentary and prayers, this book offers the Tibetan script. (I have not yet started to study READING Tibetan, but...) The final chapter on the nine Yanas was very helpful in clarifying the various Buddhist pathways – a subject that can be quite confusing, especially when 'stumbling about through Buddhism' searching for a lineage from a former life and only just having found it.
I would recommend this book to those in the Nyingma Dzogchen Long-chen Nying-thig tradition and the final chapter to those unsure of their former Vajrayana/Mahayana lineage that may be seeking a few clues and pointers as to what they have been previously studying and practicing.