Thursday 9 February 2012



Having found a great deal of assistance for my understanding and meditation in Acariya Mun's biography, I have attempted to get my hands on a copy on this book ever since. Finally, having done so, despite not being a Buddhist of the Theravada style, I was able to relax into reading at a much slower pace than I would be if borrowing and rushing through from a library, or reading on a computer screen while my eyes hurt. In fact, it has taken me multiple months to read - as I have read it piece by piece.

I also appreciate reading about the connectedness between monks and animals, as I have found connections to birds and bugs myself, since practicing. The deva communication topic on page 185-6 was also of specific interest to me. The emphasis on mindfulness is helpful, and I also found chapter 13 to be of particular help in regard to meditation. This book has - as has Acariya Mun's bio - helped clear up a lot of questions from my pre-Buddhist understanding and contemplations, leading to a clearer understanding of Buddhism of any style.

I would reccommend this book to anyone interested in understanding meditation that might have begun solo without instruction, as well as those interested in Thai Dhutanga practices.

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