things discussed in this book demonstrate the methods that I myself
am learning and practicing. It serves as a reminder of how I should
be dealing with the many disruptions to simple, peaceful living. The
cure of aids and cancer through spiritual means rather than medical,
assisting creatures by circumambulation
around images and stupas, talking to bugs, etc, all stand out as
myself reject Western medicine and rely entirely upon herbal
remedies, Ayurvedic/Tibetan medicine suggestions, and spiritual means
to keep myself fit and get well again if ill, for example. It is
great to read of another person who treats bugs and animals with
respect and courtesy - as I am much laughed at for talking to birds
and bugs and recognizing them as having certain rights. This book
backs me up and shows me I am right rather than crazy to do what I
can for those small creatures - especially seeing the mess we humans
are making of the planet we all share.
mention of a pigeon certainly caught my attention - one of my favored
subjects and teachers. Many beings killed for
each meal of food, even if we eat only vegetarian/vegan, is a
reminder not to eat more than we need. This is something that perhaps
I should pay attention to - for although I only eat 1.5 meals a day,
my 2-3 courses are generally very large serves and I eat far more than is needed. Page 171 talks about spiritual harm - something I
have been through courtesy of my ex and his family and that my son
may still be going through due to the same source. It is something I
must remain wary of for the rest of my current life.
would reccommend this book to those with everyday modern problems
that are willing to accept advice that works, even if it is not